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A framework for examination of theoretic viewpoints in geography
Vol. 20
Michael F. Dacey
Thirteen axioms of a geography of the public sector
Michael Dear
Reality, process, and the dialetical relation between man and environment
Reginald G. Golledge
Signals in the noise
Peter Gould
Population, resources, and the ideology of science
David Harvey
Social geography and the taken-for-granted world
David Ley
Space and place
Yi-Fu Tuan
Dialectics and geography
B. Marchand
Beyond the census
Eric G. Moore
Social science and human action or on hitting your head against the ceiling of language
Gunnar Olsson
Problems in the psychological modelling of revealed destination choice
John S. Pipkin
On the set theoretic foundations of the regionalization problem
Stephen Gale Mick Atkinson
An open letter on the dematerialization of the geographic object
David Russell
Land use and commodity production
Allen J. Scott
Spatial interaction and geographic theory
Eric S. Sheppard
Cellular geography
W. R. Tobler
Erewhon or nowhere land
Anne Buttimer
A periodic table of spatial hierarchies
Michael J. Woldenberg
Some principles of ethnogeography
J. M. Blaut
The foundation of science on cognitive mini-models, with applications to the German methodenstreit and the advent of econometrics
Vol. 6
Werner MeissnerHermann Wold
Systems of social exchange
James S. Coleman
Honing Occam's razor
John W. Sutherland
Toward fuzzy reasoning in the behavioral sciences
Hans-Werner Gottinger
Methodological analysis of imprecision in the assessment of personal probabilities
Raymond H. Burros
The necessity, sufficiency and desirability of experts as value forecasters
Gordon Welty
Rational choice models and self-fulfilling and self-defeating prophecies
Bernard Grofman
The concept of social structure
Mario Bunge
The strategic combination argument
Graham L. Staines
A new epitheoretical analysis of social theories
Werner Leinfellner
Variety of objects as a parameter for experimentation
Eckehart Köhler
Societies and social decision functions
Antonio Camacho
Evolutionary laws in the social sciences
Stephen Gale
Statistical probabilities
James H. Fetzer
Partial interpretation and microeconomics
Alexander Rosenberg
Theories and phenomena
Frederick Suppe