Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
Freedom as a regulative principle
Vol. 128
Megumi Sakabe
Kant's principle of justice as categorical imperative of law
Otfried Höffe
The interests of reason
Yirmiyahu Yovel
Theory as praxis in Kant
Gerold Prauss
On the formalism of Kant's ethics
Nathan Rotenstreich
The submission of our sensuous nature to the moral law in the second critique
Amihud Gilead
Empirical and intelligible character in the critique of pure reason
Henry Allison
How Kantian is Rawls's "Kantian constructivism"?
David Heyd
The ideal speech situation
Adi Ophir
Histoire et guerre chez Kant
Alexis Philonenko
Autonomy, omniscience and the ethical imagination
Carl J Posy
Victor J. Seidler
Morality as freedom
Christine Korsgaard
From historical religion to natural religion
Vol. 178
Miguel A. Badía Cabrera
The impassable path of a priori reasoning
The rejection of miracles
The uncertain path of empirical reasoning, part i
The uncertain path of empirical reasoning, part ii
The natural and reasonable character of the belief in an intelligent author of the universe
Hume's philosophical project and his reflection on religion
Brief historical setting of Hume's investigation of religion
The nature of Hume's investigation of religion
The conception of the phenomenon to be investigated
The origin of religion
Religion and history
Belief and faith
The ethical depreciation of religion
Popkin' Spinoza
Vol. 198
Sarah Hutton
Richard Popkin and philosophy made simple
Avrum Stroll
Popkin non-scepticus
Brian Copenhaver
Popkin and the Jews
David Katz
The third force revisited
Martin Mulsow
Charron and Huet
José R. Maia Neto
The quarrel over ancient and modern scepticism
Gianni Paganini
Gilles Deleuze
Knox Peden(School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, University of Queensland)
Richard Popkin's Marrano problem
Yosef Kaplan
The spirit of the eighteenth century in the anti-sabbatean polemics of Hakham David Nieto
Matt Goldish
The distrustful philosopher
Vol. 201
David Berman
Was Berkeley a spinozist?
Caterina Menichelli
The animal according to Berkeley
Sébastien Charles
Berkeley, theology and bible scholarship
Daniele Bertini
Berkeley and chemistry in the siris
Luc Peterschmitt
Berkeley, Spinoza, and radical enlightenment
Geneviève Brykman
How Berkeley's works are interpreted
Stephen H. Daniel
"Scire per causas' versus 'scire per signa"
Silvia Parigi
Berkeley and Newton on gravity in siris
Timo Airaksinen
Berkeley's metaphysical instrumentalism
Marc A. Hight
Berkeley and his contemporaries
Claire Schwartz
Locke, Berkeley and Hume as philosophers of money
George C. Caffentzis
The transmutations of a young Averroist
Vol. 211
Nicholas Holland
Intellectual beatitude in the Averroist tradition
Leen Spruit
Averroes and Arabic philosophy in the modern historia philosophica
Gregorio Piaia
The Cambridge Platonists and Averroes
Ernest Renan and Averroism
John Marenbon
Leo Strauss and the alethiometer
James E. Montgomery
Immanuel Kant, universal understanding, and the meaning of Averroism in the German enlightenment
Marco Sgarbi
Reconsidering the case of Elijah Delmedigo's Averroism and its impact on Spinoza
Carlos Fraenkel
Was Ibn Rushd an averroist?
Anna Akasoy
Guido Giglioni
Phantasms of reason and shadows of matter
Averroes against Avicenna on human spontaneous generation
Amos Bertolacci
Revisiting the 1552–1550 and 1562 Aristotle-Averroes edition
Charles Burnett
Humanism and the assessment of Averroes in the renaissance
Craig Martin
The impact of the esprit des lumières on the history of philosophy
Vol. 216
Gregorio Piaia Giuliano BergamaschiLaura Scarduelli
Religious apologetics and historiographical practice
The enlightenment, erudition and religious apologetics
Ilario Tolomio
The historiography of philosophy
Theism and the history of philosophy
The Scottish enlightenment and "philosophical history"
Francesco Bottin
The Göttingen school and Popularphilosophie
Mario Longo
Philosophy and historiography
Giuseppe Micheli
Kantianism and the historiography of philosophy
Giuseppe MicheliMario LongoGiovanni Santinello
The history of philosophy in the Encyclopédie
The state and politics
Vol. 59
Errol E. Harris
Human immortality
Spinoza in retrospect
Contemporary despair and its antidote
Geometrical method
The absurdity of atheism
God's creativity
Body and mind
Passion and action
Good and evil
The mastery of fate