Repository | Serials | Series | Bände
Criticism of the Warsaw school
Vol. 12
Z. Jordan
The relevance of the problem of universals and the rejection of the three classic doctrines
The Marxist-Leninist theory of universals
Phenomenology from the Marxist-Leninist standpoint
The danger of platonism
Criticism of Znaniecki's sociology and the decline of social inquiry
The methodological approach
The superiority of dialectics
The nature of historical laws
Change, motion, and contradiction
The Lwów school
The technological conception of history
The abandonment of the logic of contradiction
The Warsaw school
The empirical meaning of historical materialism
Other schools and other philosophers
Prediction in the social sciences
Engels' representative realism and Lenin's theory of perception
Marxian tradition
The revision of the theoretical framework of historical materialism
The causal theory of knowledge
Sociology and social philosophy
Anthropological realism
The materialist conception of truth
The philosophical revival
The beginning of Marxist-Leninist philosophy
The truths of logic and mathematics
Absolute and relative truth and the relativity of knowledge
The road to ascendancy
The doctrine of partiality of truths
The instrumentalist conception of philosophy
The doctrine of concreteness of truths
The major Marxist-Leninist periodicals
Vol. 23
Ervin Laszlo
Bibliography of books, monographs, and dissertations on problems of communism in Hungary from 1945 through 1964
Bibliography of studies and articles on problems of communism from 1945 through 1964
The impact of communist ideology in Hungary prior to 1945
The evolution of Hungarian Marxism-Leninism under communist rule
A review of current results
The official projects
Who is who in Hungarian Marxism-Leninism
The scientific, educational and cultural institutions
Vol. 30
T. R. Payne
The sources of Soviet psychological theory
The development of psychological theory in the Soviet union
The life and work of S. L. Rubinštejn
The reconstruction of psychology
The psychic and the external world
Psychic activity and the brain
Soviet appropriation of Scheler's phenomenology
Vol. 34
Helmut Dahm
The idea of philosophy
Solovyev's idea of "integral knowledge" and Scheler's "system of conformity"
The relation between religion and metaphysics
Systematic philosophy
Special problems
Russian philosophy from Solovyev to Shestov
Soviet judgement and criticism of Solovyev
The catholic Church and the Soviet government in Soviet occupied East Europe, 1939–1940
Vol. 36
J. Michael Dunn
Communism and the new Marxists
Richard De George
Marxist philosophy in Czechoslovakia
Ivan Sviták
Reluctant bedfellows
Edward D. Wynot
The suppressed Church
Vasyl Markus
Contemporary problems of dialectical materialism
Muslim religious dissent in the U.S.S.R.
Alexandre A. BennigsenS. Enders Wimbush
Religious dissent in the U.S.S.R.
Bohdan R. Bociurkiw
The basic question of philosophy
Vol. 37
L. LjaxoveckijV. Tjuxtin
Dialectical materialism
A. Spirkin
V. BiblerN. Ovčinnikov
Dialectical logic
A. BogomolovP. KopninE. SitkovskijA. SpirkinAleksei Losev
Historical materialism
F. Konstantinov
O. Drobnickij
B. M. Kedrov A. Spirkin
Marxism and ethical theory
Vol. 40
Philip Grier
Soviet philosophy
The origins of Soviet ethical theory
Ethical theory and its object, morality
Discussions of value theory in Soviet Marxism
Society and the individual
Historical progress and intrinsic value
Soviet criticisms of "bourgeois" ethical theory
Vol. 41
K. M. Jensen
The contemporary problem of philosophy and philosophy's career
The science of the future
The object and methods of Soviet aesthetics
Vol. 42
Edward Swiderski
The sources and origins of Marxist-Leninist aesthetics
The aesthetic
Summary and conclusion
Vol. 45
Tom Rockmore(Peking University)William J. Gavin James G. Colbert Thomas J Blakeley
The "predicamental" perspective
Science and progress
Making logic practical
Nature and the natural
"Context" as a philosophical concept
The phenomenological movement
An approach to social context
Emergence of the "new Soviet man"
Phenomenological methodology
The scientific-technological revolution
An ontological phenomenology?
The dialectic of nature
Natural law and the common good
Nature and knowledge
Logic and knowledge
J. M. Bocheński, the teacher
Vol. 46
Nikolaus Lobkowicz
O. I. Džoev
The present state of the Marxist-Leninist core belief in revolution
"All powers to the walking people"
Michael Gagern
The critique of Marxist philosophy
Karl Marx and Adam Smith
Karl Ballestrem
Recent Soviet evaluations of American philosophy
Thomas J Blakeley
Out from under the railroad bridge
A. F. Losev and the rebirth of Soviet aesthetics after Stalin
James Scanlan
Technological determinism and revolutionary class war in Marxist thinking
Friedrich Rapp
The Marxist critique of Rawls
Guido Küng
Humanistic interpretation and historical materialism
Is the planning of science possible?
Andries Sarlemijn
Philosophical evaluations of systems theory
Peter P. Kirschenmann
Some continental and Marxist responses to pragmatism
John E. Smith
Marxism as history — a theory and its consequences
Helmut Fleischer
Lukács' ontology
Vol. 51
Nicolas Tertulian
Georg Lukács and the bourgeois mind in the twentieth century
Manfred Buhr
Reification from Lukács to Habermas
Jean Grondin(École de design, University of Ottawa)
Lukács' wake
J. M. Bernstein
Lukács on modern philosophy
Tom Rockmore(Peking University)
The critical thought of Georg Lukács
Mihailo Marković
The question of organization in the early Marxist work of Lukács
Andrew Feenberg
Objectivism and the rise of cultural alienation
Louis Dupré
Lukács in the eyes of Western philosophy today
Maria Hevesi
Is there a "proletarian standpoint"?
Assen Ignatow
Lukács' concept of ideology
J. Larrain
Vol. 53
George McCarthy
Science and critique
Time and critique
Materialism and critique
Rethinking method
Against epistemology and foundationalism
Epistemology and political economy
Vol. 55
Daniela Steila
George Plekhanov's theory of knowledge
Philosophical influences on Plekhanov's theory of knowledge
The scientific referents of Plekhanov's theory of knowledge
Three perspectives on ifn
Vol. 57
Evert van der Zweerde
Soviet philosophical culture
The development of ifn (1920s–1980s)
The practice of IFN
Soviet theory of the history of philosophy
Coming to terms with the past (IFN 1986 – 1989)