Max Scheler

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Angela Ales Bello

Italian Centre of Phenomenology

Aoristo 4/2

On phenomenology and its surroundings


Il Bambino


Edmund Husserl

Roma, Fattore Umano Edizioni

The sense of mystical experience according to Gerda Walther


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Gerda Walther's phenomenology of sociality, psychology, and religion, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Consciousness and hyletics in humans, animals and machines


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Representation and reality in humans, other living organisms and intelligent machines, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

From the "neutral" human being to gender difference


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Edith Stein: women, social- political philosophy, theology, metaphysics and public history, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Thomas von Aquino in Edith Steins Interpretation


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: The Hat and the Veil - Hut und Schleier, Nordhausen : Bautz



Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: The presence of Duns Scotus in the thought of Edith Stein, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

The transcendental: Husserl and Kant


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Transcendentalism overturned, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Ontology and phenomenology


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Theory and applications of ontology, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

"Brute being" and hyletic phenomenology


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Phenomenology and existentialism in the twentieth century II, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Self-cultivation and educative responsibility


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Education in human creative existential planning, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Axiomathes 18/4

Phenomenology, ontology and sciences in Hedwig Conrad-Martius


Phenomenological hyletics


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Phenomenology of life from the animal soul to the human mind, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

The language of our living body


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Logos of phenomenology and phenomenology of the logos II, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

The human being and its soul in Edith Stein


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: The passions of the soul in the metamorphosis of becoming, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

The study of the soul between psychology and phenomenology in Edith Stein


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: The philosophy of Edith Stein, Pittsburgh : Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center

The entelechial principle in the ontopoiesis of life


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Phenomenology of life as the starting point of philosophy, Dordrecht : Kluwer

Open Access Link

From empathy to solidarity


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Life in the glory of its radiating manifestations, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Wittgenstein e Husserl


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Wittgenstein e il Novecento, Milano : Donzelli

Peirce and Husserl


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Peirce and value theory, Amsterdam : Benjamins

Edmund Husserl


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Dio nella filosofia del Novecento, Brescia : Queriniana

Husserlian phenomenology in the work of Mario Sancipriano


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Manifestations of reason: life, historicity, culture reason, life, culture II, Dordrecht : Kluwer

Open Access Link

Phänomenologische Archäologie der Kulturen


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Philosophische Grundlagen der Interkulturalität, Amsterdam : Rodopi

Quaderni di Koinonia 1/supplemento

Leggere S. Tommaso oggi


L'identità del filosofo


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Il luogo comune delle differenze, Napoli : Athena

Per una fenomenologia come archeologia delle culture


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Razionalità fenomenologica e destino della filosofia, Genova : Marietti

Phenomenology as archeology vs. contemporary hermeneutics


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Husserl's legacy in phenomenological philosophies, Dordrecht : Kluwer

Open Access Link

Phenomenological archeology as a tool for analysing the human world


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Phänomenologie der Praxis im Dialog zwischen Japan und dem Westen, Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann

Archeology of religious knowledge


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Phenomenology and the numinous, Pittsburgh : Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center

Fenomenologia e teologia


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Virtualité e attualità della filosofia Cristiana, Roma : Pontificia universita urbaniana

Husserl e il suo tempo


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Husserl, Assisi : Biblioteca pro civitate Christiana

Seele und Leib in der originären Perspektive


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Soul and body in Husserlian phenomenology, Dordrecht : Kluwer

Psicologia e fenomenologia in Husserl


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Metafisica e scienze dell'uomo. Vol. I, Roma : Borla

Le problème de l'être dans la phénoménologie de Husserl


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: The great chain of being and Italian phenomenology, Dordrecht : Kluwer

Open Access Link

Husserl filosofo "borghese"?


Angela Ales Bello(Italian Centre of Phenomenology)

in: Filosofia e impegno politico, Milano : Edizioni di Comunità