Max Scheler

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The power of the speculative

Fink, Hegel, and the horizons of thinking

Ovidiu Stanciu(Diego Portales University)

pp. 129-150


The thesis I defend in this text is that Eugen Fink’s most original contribution to the phenomenological tradition consists in the rehabilitation of speculative thinking as a legitimate and compelling mode of approaching philosophical problems. Furthermore, I claim that this theoretical move is accomplished through a constant while critical dialogue with Hegel. I start by exposing the criticism Fink levelled against the canonical, Husserlian, understanding of phenomenology as a descriptive enterprise. Then, I delineate the interpretative strategy Fink puts in place in his reading of Hegel and bring out its underlying commitments. As I will show, his interpretation of Hegel is determined by the concern of rescuing some deep-seated cosmological insights determining Hegel’s philosophy. I further show that his understanding of Hegel is worked out in reference to, but also in explicit contrast to, Heidegger’s reading of Hegel. Finally, I claim that Fink’s sustained attention toHegel does not amount to an endorsement of his position and examine the reasons he advances for “rejecting Hegel”.

Publication details

Published in:

Nielsen Cathrin, Schnell Alexander (2022) Eugen Fink und die Phänomenologie. Phänomenologische Forschungen – Neue Folge 2022 (2).

Seiten: 129-150


Stanciu Ovidiu (2022) „The power of the speculative: Fink, Hegel, and the horizons of thinking“. Phänomenologische Forschungen – Neue Folge 2022 (2), 129–150.