Max Scheler

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Die Abbau-Analyse der Einstimmigkeit der Erfahrungswelt in der genetischen Phänomenologie Husserls

Georgy Chernavin(Высшая школа экономики)

pp. 15-30


In this paper I shall present one specific method of Husserl’s phenomenological analysis – the method of dismantling (Abbau), which is of great importance for his late philosophy. I attempt to determine the place of this method within the boundaries of the husserlian project of “phenomenological archaeology”. Comparing it with the method of questioning back (Rückfrage) into the transcendental genesis, I define the dismantling reduction (Abbau-Reduktion) as an experimental “regressive analysis of sense”. Examining this type of intentional analysis I point out these three stages: 1. the dismantling analysis of the intersubjective sense (the reduction to the “first primordiality”); 2. the dismantling analysis of time-consciousness (the reduction to the Now-perception); 3. the dismantling analysis of perception (the reduction to “last perceptions”). These considerations help further clarify Husserl’s procedure of suspending the coherence of experience when questioning back into the structure of the pre-given world.

Publication details

Published in:

(2011) AUC Interpretationes 1 (1).

Seiten: 15-30


Chernavin Georgy (2011) „Die Abbau-Analyse der Einstimmigkeit der Erfahrungswelt in der genetischen Phänomenologie Husserls“. AUC Interpretationes 1 (1), 15–30.