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Deriving the manifestly qualitative world from a pure-power base
light-like networks
pp. en-
Seeking to derive the manifestly qualitative world of objects and entities without recourse to fundamental categoricity or qualitativity, l’offer an account of how higher-order categorical properties and objects may emerge from a pure-power base. l’explore the possibility of ‘fields’ whose fluctuations are force-carrying entities, differentiated with respect to a microtopology of curled-up spatial dimensions. Since the spacetime paths of gauge bosons have zero ‘spacetime interval’ and no time-like extension, l’argue that according them the status of fundamental entities would support a pure-power ontology. Such entities, circulating within self-sustaining microtopological ‘networks’, feasibly maintain definite spatial configurations of conserved physical quantities, including energy-momentum. Perceived as time-like and massy, and representing fermionic entities, they give rise to the manifest world.
Publication details
Published in:
(2011) L'espace et le temps. Philosophia Scientiae 15 (3).
DOI: 10.4000/philosophiascientiae.690
Ford Sharon R. (2011) „Deriving the manifestly qualitative world from a pure-power base: light-like networks“. Philosophia Scientiae 15 (3), en–.