Max Scheler

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Russian eurasianism

historiosophy and ideology

Sławomir Mazurek

pp. 105-123


I attempt to answer thequestion about the place of Eurasianism in theRussian intellectual tradition. I reconstructits historiosophical assumptions as well thepolitical ideology following from them. I sharethe opinion of certain historians thatEurasianism is interesting for a variety ofreasons, but I disagree with those who see init nothing more than a synthesis of standardideas often found in the history of Russianthought. Eurasianism's originality includes itsacknowledgment of the positive contribution ofthe Mongols to the history of the Russianstate, the radicalism of its critique of theWest, the innovativeness of its theory ofrevolution, as well as the absence, unusual forRussian thinkers of the period, of aneschatological sensitivity.

Publication details

Published in:

(2002) Studies in East European Thought 54 (1-2).

Seiten: 105-123

DOI: 10.1023/A:1013858003556


Mazurek Sławomir (2002) „Russian eurasianism: historiosophy and ideology“. Studies in East European Thought 54 (1-2), 105–123.