Max Scheler

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The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy

Religion, War and the Crisis of Modernity. A Special Issue Dedicated to the Philosophy of Jan Patočka

Special issue 14

herausgegeben vonLudger Hagedorn(Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen)James Dodd(New School for Social Research)

Details | Inhaltsverzeichnis

Christianity un-thought

a reconsideration of myth, faith, and historicity

Ludger Hagedorn(Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen)


The gift of life

Jan Patočka and the Christian heritage

Eddo Evink(Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)


Process and relation

Husserl's theory of individuation revisited

Michela Summa(Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)


Specters of the sacred

Jan Patočka, or: the hidden source of Jacques Derrida’s "phenomenology of religion"

Christian Sternad(Université de Fribourg)


Publication details

Zeitschrift: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy

Band: Special issue 14

Year: 2015


Hagedorn Ludger, Dodd James (2015) Religion, War and the Crisis of Modernity. A Special Issue Dedicated to the Philosophy of Jan Patočka. The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy Special Issue 14.