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Music instrument estimation in polyphonic sound based on short-term spectrum match
Vol. 202
Wenxin JiangAlicja WieczorkowskaZbigniew W. Raś
Ultrasound biomicroscopy glaucoma images analysis based on rough set and pulse coupled neural network
El-Sayed A. El-DahshanAboul-Ella Hassanien
An overview of fuzzy c-means based image clustering algorithms
Huiyu ZhouGerald Schaefer
Fuzzy without fuzzy
Hung T NguyenVladik Kreinovich François ModaveMartine Ceberio
Intermediate degrees are needed for the world to be cognizable
Hung T NguyenVladik Kreinovich Olga Kosheleva
Fuzzy sets, near sets, and rough sets for your computational intelligence toolbox
James F. Peters
Paraconsistent annotated logic program before-after evalpsn and its application
Kazumi Nakamatsu
A fuzzy set approach to software reliability modeling
P. Zeephongsekul
Computational methods for investment portfolio
Tanja MagočFrançois ModaveMartine CeberioVladik Kreinovich
A bayesian solution to the modifiable areal unit problem
C. Hui
Fuzzy logic control in communication networks
Chrysostomos ChrysostomouAndreas Pitsillides
Adaptation in classification systems
Abdelhamid Bouchachia
Causal abduction and alternative assessment
Vol. 314
Claudio Pizzi
Using analogical representations for mathematical concept formation
Alison PeaseSimon ColtonRamin RamezaniAlan SmaillMarkus Guhe
Modeling the causal structure of the history of science
Osvaldo Pessoa
Emergent semiotics in genetic programming and the self-adaptive semantic crossover
Rafael Inhasz
How brains make mental models
Paul Thagard
The logical process of model-based reasoning
Joseph E. Brenner
Abduction and meaning in evolutionary soundscapes
Mariana ShellardJose E. FornariJonatas Manzolli
Belief revision vs. conceptual change in mathematics
Woosuk Park
Consequences of a diagrammatic representation of paul cohen's forcing technique based on C.S. Peirce's existential graphs
Gianluca CaterinaRocco Gangle
Understanding and augmenting human morality
Jeffrey White
Does logic count?
Jaakko Hintikka
Applications of an implementation story for non-sentential models
Jonathan Waskan
The symbolic model for algebra
Albrecht Heeffer
Analog modeling of human cognitive functions with tripartite synapses
Alfredo Pereira
Representations of contemporaneous events of a story for novice Readers
Barbara ArféTania Di MascioRosella Gennari
The role of agency detection in the invention of supernatural beings
Tommaso BertolottiLorenzo Magnani
The theoretician's gambits
Marion Vorms
Good experimental methodologies and simulation in autonomous mobile robotics
Francesco AmigoniViola Schiaffonati
Virtuous distortion
John Woods
Does everyone think, or is it just me?
Cameron Shelley
Imagination in thought experimentation
Margherita Arcangeli
Naturalizing Peirce's semiotics
Alex KirlikPeter Storkerson
Smart abducers as violent abducers
Lorenzo Magnani
Different cognitive styles in the academy-industry collaboration
Riccardo Viale
Morality according to a cognitive interpretation
Sara Dellantonio Remo Job
Affordances as abductive anchors
Emanuele Bardone
On a theoretical analysis of deceiving
Walter Carnielli
A model-based reasoning approach to prevent crime
Tibor BosseCharlotte Gerritsen
Constructive research and info-computational knowledge generation
Gordana Dodig Crnkovic
Pathophysiology of cancer and the entropy concept
Konradin MetzeRandall L. AdamGian KayserKlaus Kayser
Abducing the crisis
Ricardo F. Crespo
A pattern language for Roberto Burle Marx landscape design
Carlos Eduardo Verzola VazMaria Gabriela Caffarena Celani
Abduction, induction, and analogy
Gerhard Minnameier
A visual model of Peirce's 66 classes of signs unravels his late proposal of enlarging semiotic theory
Priscila Borges
Computer go
Vol. 63
Xindi Cai Donald C. Wunsch
The human brain as a hierarchical intelligent control system
John G. Taylor
Noisy chaotic neural networks for combinatorial optimization
Lipo Wang Haixiang Shi
Knowledge-based clustering in computational intelligence
Witold Pedrycz
What is computational intelligence and where is it going?
Włodzisław Duch
Towards comprehensive foundations of computational intelligence
New millennium AI and the convergence of history
Jürgen Schmidhuber
The challenges of building computational cognitive architectures
Ron Sun
Programming a parallel computer
James A. Anderson Paul Allopenna Gerald S. Guralnik David Sheinberg John A. Santini Socrates Dimitriadis Benjamin B. Machta Brian T. Merritt
Artificial brain and officematetr based on brain information processing mechanism
Soo-Young Lee
Natural intelligence and artificial intelligence
Stan Gielen
Computational scene analysis
DeLiang Wang
Brain-, gene-, and quantum inspired computational intelligence
Nikola Kasabov
Generalization in learning from examples
Věra Kůrková
A trend on regularization and model selection in statistical learning
Lei Xu
Computational intelligence in mind games
Jacek Mańdziuk