Repository | Serials | Zeitschrift | Bände
What is wrong with an atomistic account of mental representation?
Vol. 100/2
Melinda Hogan
Quest schemes in analytical models of discourse
Vol. 100/1
Anatoliy Ishmuratov
Classical Harmony
Peter Milne
Vol. 100/3
Raymond Dacey
Inducing fair trade out of hegemonic trade
Mathematical models of foreign policy decision-making
Alex MintzNehemia GevaKarl Derouen
Cognition without classical architecture
James W. Garson
"The friend of my enemy is my enemy"
S. C. LeeR. G. MuncasterDina A. Zinnes
Begging the question as a pragmatic fallacy
Douglas N. Walton
Scientific problems and questions from a logical point of view
Mark BurginVladimir Kuznetsov
Mathematical modeling of the effects of "capability" and "intent" on the stability of a competitive international system
Alvin M. Saperstein
Uncertainty and the role of the pawn in extended deterrence
D. M. KilgourF. C. Zagare
International cooperation
Urs Luterbacher
Interpreting action as an answer
Andriy Vasylchenko
Igal Kvart
Behaviorism and mentalism
Beth Preston
Constant colors in the head
James A. McGilvray
Natural deduction in connectionist systems
Vol. 101/3
William Bechtel
Some steps towards a general theory of relevance
Vol. 101/2
L. Jonathan Cohen
Accounting for macro-level causation
David W. Henderson
Undercutting and the Ramsey test for conditionals
André FuhrmannIsaac Levi
Principles, laws, theories and the metaphysics of science
Craig Dilworth
Constrained maximization reconsidered
Maarten Franssen
Truthlikeness misapplied
Ilkka Niiniluoto
Quantifying over the reals
Vol. 101/1
Philip HuglyCharles Sayward
Hilbert and the internal logic of mathematics
Yvon Gauthier
Outline of a theory of scientific understanding
Gerhard Schurz Karel Lambert
Andy Clark
Doing without representing?
Andy ClarkJosefa Toribio
Review essay
Jan Woleński(Uniwersytet Jagielloński)Paul-Gabriel Sandu